Off the Meds

Last night I was taken off noradrenaline, the medication which has been controlling my blood pressure. So far so good the blood pressures remain good. The systolic needs to be above 100 and has remained so even on sitting and standing. The MAP (in brackets) needs to be above 70. This hopefully means that today … Continue reading Off the Meds

Weight Gain, Waiting Game

It’s a week since I came to the Churchill Hospital. In that week I have spent most of my time in the ICU confined to bed as they battle to maintain my blood pressure. In that week I have gained 10kg of weight! The lack of movement and the need to consume enough liquids to … Continue reading Weight Gain, Waiting Game

750 ml

Time moves on and I still wait for a kidney transplant. Meanwhile I continue to dialyse three times each week ( four hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday). My health remains good but I do get tired. A lot has happened since my last post. Sadly Mum died in early February and much of the … Continue reading 750 ml

On ‘yer Bike

Since returning to the UK I have put on weight. This is a combination of the steroids Inhave needed to take, the water retention courtesy of my kidney problems and DVT, richer food and a lack of exercise brought on by the enforced bed rest as an inpatient and the effects of the Myeloma. In … Continue reading On ‘yer Bike