Stent Out

Today I am back in the Churchill for a minor procedure. It’s just over 5 weeks since the operation and my new kidney (‘Kevin’) is still fast asleep. I continue to dialyse either in MK or hear in Oxford on days like today when I have a procedure or else have clinic.

The procedure today involves the removal of the stent which had been placed in my ureta between my kidney and bladder to support the newly attached kidney to my bladder.

The process involved inserting a device into existing tubing (via a catheter) and using a camera to locate the end of the stent which was then pulled out.

The first stage involved using a numbing gel to anaesthetise the area prior to insertion- this stings somewhat prior to numbing. The camera is then inserted and water pumped in to inflate the bladder. The camera locates the stent and a sharp tug removes the whole thing in a matter of seconds.

The whole thing was over in less than 10 minutes.

I am now on dialysis- something I have to continue whilst the kidney wakes up. I do have to face the prospect that in the worst case scenario it will never work. In which case they may choose to remove it and then at a later date a second transplant. Apparently if the kidney never works I maintain my position on the list. Obviously I’d rather ‘Kevin’ wakes up and gets it act together though the longer it takes the more scarring there will be and the less effective the kidney will be in the long run. I just keep waiting!

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