Covid Jab Blues

Saturday I went for my Covid Booster. I qualify as my CKD and transplant render me vulnerable. They offered me the flu jab too and I wisely declined. I already have this booked for early next month and with my immunosuppression I didn’t want to take on too much on. Battling one virus, albeit in tiny amounts is enough for my poor immunocompromised body. The immunosuppression comes from drugs designed to prevent kidney rejection.

They gave me the latest Phizer jab. It is the first jab I’ve had since the transplant in May having missed out in the June/July batch (due to the early period after transplantation).

Given how I was over the weekend and today, I’m just glad I had one jab not two.

Since Saturday I’ve felt rough. I have had flu like symptoms (achy, fatigued) and been generally out of sorts. It comes in waves so I had periods of normality but these didn’t last long. Honestly, the jab made we feel worse than actual Covid, though I recognise that without it any further Covid infection would probably be even worse.

Today, I was determined to go to work, as I’ve missed so much already this year and will eventually need to miss more whenever I have a new transplant. I delivered two hours of teaching and then went home. My understanding school has given me a lighter timetable this term so there were no further lessons for me today. I came home slept for almost three hours and felt so much better, I then headed off to dialysis. At the moment I feel fine so hopefully that’s the last of it, until the flu jab that is!

One thought on “Covid Jab Blues

  1. So sorry, bro that you felt so rough 😔 That’s good that you felt well enough to go to dialysis, though. Take care. Prayers assured for tonight and tomorrow 🙏👊🏻

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